Right Wing Political Correctness

Right Wing Political Correctness While most people became aware of the term political correctness in the late 1980s, it was actually coined in the 1920s and 1930s by communist groups. In itself, the term is a complete misnomer, because a political position itself can be neither right nor wrong; it can only be well-reasoned or not. In the contemporary sense of the word, some think political correctness is designed to be more inclusive of minority voices, while others believe it is a widespread effort to forcibly liberalize American culture and police the thoughts of anyone who dares disagree. Likely, both motives have some truth, but the fact is that right wingers are just as likely to invoke their own brand of political correctness, yet many do not have the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Disclaimer: Not all conservatives buy into this Frank Luntz/Orwellian doublespeak. But I have not heard many discussions of the right wings contribution to these perversions of communication.

Here are some examples of right wing political correctness. Please feel free to add your own.

Lies are to be called alternative facts

News reports unflattering to the right wing is fake news

Traditional news organizations are to be known as the mainstream media or lamestream media

Undocumented migrants must be called illegals or illegal immigrants

Anyone from a predominantly Muslim nation who commits an act of violent protest must be called a radical Islamic terrorist

Progressives must be called liberals

Reactionaries and racists shall be called alt right

The Democratic party must be called the Democrat party

Public assistance must be called entitlements

Recipients of public assistance are welfare queens

Universal healthcare must be referred to as socialized medicine

Torture must be called enhanced interrogation techniques

Anti-union measures shall be named right to work laws

Estate taxes must be called death taxes

Mercenaries shall be called contractors or private security firms

Pro-choice advocates must be called abortionists

Creationism ought to be called intelligent design

Unknown young black men should be called thugs

Otherwise, instead of saying black, one should say urban

Children born in the U.S. to non-citizens must be called anchor babies

Burning fossilized carbon matter and spewing it into the air shall be called clean coal

A greeting between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve must be Merry Christmas... anything else constitutes a War on Christmas

And that's it.

© 2017 Butch Maxwell

Next month, back to poetry. Probably.

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